The treatment is meant for oily and combined skin with acne and its consequences. It normalizes oil generation, eliminates comedones and other acne elements; diminishes enlarged pores; dissolves infiltrates and chronic spots; prevents post-acne, evens out complexion and skin texture.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.135.-
Surface Mandelic peel / Mandelic peel AM 30%, 40%
Recommended for oily and acne-prone skin with signs of photo-ageing and hyper-pigmentation. Mandelic acid is produced by hydrolysis from extract of bitter almond, which does not cause strong irritation.
The formula of Mandelic peel AM eliminates oily skin defects, fights photo-ageing and hyper-pigmentation.
The main component of the peel, mandelic acid, produces keratolytic and anti-seborrhea affect, suppresses activity of microorganisms causing acne. Mandelic peel AM reduces hyper-pigmentation caused by solar radiation, lightens the skin and evens out the skin tone. It moisturizes and exfoliates the skin and facilitates dead cell removal and skin regeneration.
Indications: recommended for oily and acne-prone skin with signs of photo-ageing
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.135.-
Combined peel AZELAN / Mesopeel azelan – all kinds of acne
Combined AZELAN peel, including anchoic acid (20%) and salicylic acid (20%), is developed specifically to fight acne. The main effects of Mesopeel azelan are the following: exfoliation, anti-seborrhea affect and comedolytic affect.
Indications: all kinds of acne. Epidermis hyper-pigmentation. Mesopeel azelan is recommended for all photo-types of Fitzpatrick scale, even though you should always be careful with photo-types V and VI. The expediency of using the peel should be determined by a professional in each specific situation.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.135.-
Surface salicylic peel / Salicylic peel AS 10%, 20%, 30%
For oily and skin prone to acne, whiteheads and other skin defects. Surface salicylic peel on hydro-glycerin base. The peel is perfect for eliminating whiteheads. It reduces defects of acne-prone skin, signs of photo-ageing and wrinkles. The name of salicylic acid originates from Latin “salix” – the name of willow, from which bark it used to be obtained.
Salicylic peel AS directly addresses problems of oily and acne-prone skin: whiteheads and defects. The exclusive formula of the peel allows it to mix with skin oil at the epidermis surface and in the follicles. Therefore it is recommended to use Salicylic peel AS for impurities and acne; the peel exfoliates and cleanses both the skin surface and the pores. Salicylic acid also regulates skin oil secretion and provides antiseptic, bacteriostatic and antifungal effect.
Indications: recommended for oily and acne-prone skin. Concentration: 10%, 20%, 30%.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.135.-
ROSE DE MER - Deep coral peel (100% natural peel / face, neck and decollate)
It is a natural peel, a good alternative to chemical peels, since the process takes place without protein coagulation. It is based on Brazilian herbs, Red Sea corals, and Dead Sea salt. Special treatment of plants (deep freezing followed by quick drying) strengthens their bio-stimulating properties; and the product can be stored for a long time without conserving agents.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.160.-
Mechanical face cleansing
Mechanical face cleansing is done manually, as opposed to machine cleansing, and consists of deep cleansing of skin from blackheads and comedones with the use of cosmetics and cosmetological instruments.
Mechanical face cleansing is necessary is you have:
- dull complexion
- enlarged pores
- clogged pores
- acne eruption (mature pustules)
- comedones (blackheads)
- miliums (whiteheads)
- sebaceous plugs
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min. 150.-
- 90 min. 180.-
Combined face cleansing
Combined face cleansing stipulates combination of a few methods of skin treatment aimed at getting optimal effect. Combined face cleansing is meant for deep cleansing of problem areas. First, upper layers of impurities are removed by ultrasonic or vacuum cleansing followed by manual face cleansing. Only combined face cleansing can deeply clean problem areas and gently treat sensitive areas.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min. 150.-
- 90 min. 180.-
Vacuum face cleansing
Vacuum face cleansing is machine cleansing by a vacuum therapy device. Negative pressure in the vacuum fitting increases blood flow and skin blood circulation, opens the pores and relieves them of impurities (dead cells, excess skin oil, comedones, etc.). In addition, the treatment provides good lymphatic and toning effect, normalizes oil gland functioning and improves complexion.
The cost of the procedure:
- 90 min.150.-