Mechanical face cleansing
Mechanical face cleansing is done manually, as opposed to machine cleansing, and consists of deep cleansing of skin from blackheads and comedones with the use of cosmetics and cosmetological instruments.
Mechanical face cleansing is necessary is you have:
- dull complexion
- enlarged pores
- clogged pores
- acne eruption (mature pustules)
- comedones (blackheads)
- miliums (whiteheads)
- sebaceous plugs
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.150.-
- 90 min.180.-
Combined face cleansing
Combined face cleansing stipulates combination of a few methods of skin treatment aimed at getting optimal effect. Combined face cleansing is meant for deep cleansing of problem areas. First, upper layers of impurities are removed by ultrasonic or vacuum cleansing followed by manual face cleansing.
Only combined face cleansing can deeply clean problem areas and gently treat sensitive areas.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.150.-
- 90 min.180.-
Ultrasonic cleansing
Ultrasonic cleansing evens skin surface, cleans the pores, which results in the fact that the renewed skin starts “breathing” and becomes smooth and glowing.
The cost of the procedure:
- 50 min.150.-
- 90 min.180.-