Vacuum massage
Vacuum massage is based on the deep vacuum effect on the skin, muscles and subcutaneous fat. It is one of the most effective methods of reducing cellulite. This is a powerful technique for removing fat deposits from your body.
What to expect from vacuum massage?
Vacuum massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous and sweat glands, and relaxes muscles. After vacuum massage, edema and congestion, such as cellulite, pass. The fat broken by vacuum becomes more mobile and is excreted through the lymphatic system, due to the increased longitudinal growth of collagen and elastin - to improve the elasticity, tone and texture of the skin. Anti-cellulite vacuum massage helps with cellulite of the second and third degree. Cellulite deposits simply collapse under the influence of a vacuum, the fatty layer decreases, and with it excess weight is lost.
- 60 min. 120.-
It is recommended to add a hot wrap or in counting with cryogenic wrap.
- Vacuum massage with wrapping 90 min. 180.-